Saturday, November 8, 2008

Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead. ~Acts 17:30-31

The war on Truth rages at this very moment. Moral relativism and Universalism are deadly lies spreading through our culture like a disease, poisoning the minds and hearts of men and women wherever it spreads. The word of God tells us that God is now declaring that all men and all people everywhere should repent because He has fixed a Day of Judgment that is coming. But if morals and truth are relative, and if all paths truly lead to God, then what need is there of repentance? If all paths are equally valid and my truth is not your truth, then where is there room for absolutes? What precisely is this "righteousness" which God will judge us in and who is the Man appointed to judge us? Can there be a judge if I make my own rules?

The Truth is that moral relativism and universalism cannot be true at the same time and in the same sense as the declaration of the Word of God. At least one (perhaps both) is wrong or a contradiction is true and this cannot be so. While one may make us feel better, our feelings are not a reliable arbiter of Truth. Sometimes, the truth is the thing that we would least like it to be (just ask someone whose spouse just cheated on them, or who lost a child to some terrible accident or disease).

So how can we decide what to believe? Is God really coming in righteousness to judge us or is whatever feels right to us the truth for us? Is there only one way to heaven or do all paths ultimately lead to "God"? Are we ultimately sinners who are worthy of eternal conscious torment in hell or are we all basically "good" and ultimately headed for heaven?

Scripture tells us that God has furnished proof to all men by raising Him [Jesus the Christ] from the dead. Fortunately, we do not need to grope about in the dark or merely hope that we guess correctly. Instead, God has furnished proof for us by raising Christ Jesus from the dead to validate His claims of deity. The resurrection was a historical event that has had a greater impact on our world than any other event. The resurrection and ensuing events are documented in history by both biblical and secular witnesses. God wanted us to know that our faith in Him and His word was well founded so He provided proof by doing the impossible: raising this Jesus on the third day after His crucifixion.

And what was the response to the apostle Paul when He proclaimed this truth? Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, "We shall hear you again concerning this" (Acts 17:32). Even when faced with such convincing evidence, some still merely sneer and refuse to repent and turn that they may be healed. While the news may seem grim that God is coming in righteousness to judge us, the good news is that what Christ was doing on the cross in the first place was paying the fine that we owe for breaking God's law so that His sinlessness (righteousness) could be credited to us through faith.

God has shown universalism false and proven there is only one way to Him.

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved. ~Acts 4:12

We are drowning in our own unrighteousness and God has thrown us a life preserver in Christ Jesus. Instead of flailing about and asking why He has only thrown one life preserver, we would be wise to reach out and take hold of the one He has sent to us.

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